Welcome to Hamilton, Burgess, Young & Pollard, PLLC
Extent and Scope of Service
We have combined legal experience of over 75 years of practice in Fayette County and the surrounding area. We handle a wide variety of legal matters for different types of clients, including small businesses and individuals. For an overview of our legal practice, please view our Practice Areas.
"Best Law Firm in Fayette County"
— Voted by the readers of the Fayette Tribune
"2008 Business of the Year"
— Honored by members of the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce.
Durable Relationships with Clients
We aspire to provide lifetime service to our clients. From adoption to estate planning and all your needs in between, we can help you meet challenges and take advantage of opportunities.
Community Commitment
We are committed to serving the community in which we live and work. We provide free initial consultations on many matters. In addition, we reduce our fees and provide free legal consultations to needy clients. We believe in giving back to the community in which we live, and practice that belief by giving significant time and energy to many valuable local projects.
Contact Us
If you need help with a legal matter, please contact us for a free consultation by filling out our contact form or by calling us at (304) 574-2727. We look forward to hearing from you.